Wednesday 25 May 2016

Manikaran Sahib !!!!

                        Manikaran Sahib


Manikaran Sahib is situated in the Parvati Valley on waterway Parvati, upper east of Bhuntar in the Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh. It is at a height of 1760 m and is situated around 35 km from Kullu. This residential community draws in travelers going by Manali and Kullu to its hot springs and explorer focuses. A trial geothermal vitality plant has additionally been set up here. Manikaran is a journey community for Hindus and Sikhs. The Hindus trust that Manu reproduced human life in Manikaran after the surge, making it a holy range. It has numerous sanctuaries and a gurudwara. There are sanctuaries of the Hindu divinities Rama, Krishna, and Vishnu.The zone is surely understood for its hot spring and its wonderful scene.

As indicated by legend, when the Hindu God Shiva and his consort Parvati were strolling in the valley, Parvati dropped one of her hoops. The gem was seized by Shesha, the serpent god, who then vanished into the earth with it. Shesha just surrendered the gem when Shiva performed the inestimable move, the Tandava and shot the gem up through the water. Clearly, gems kept on being hurled in the waters at Manikaran until the quake of 1905.
Conventional sustaining of guests at Sikh gurdwara at Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh, in 2004 As per the Sikhs, amid third Udasi, the author of Sikhism Guru Nanak resulted in these present circumstances place in 15 Asu 1574 Bikrami with his devotee Bhai Mardana. Mardana felt hungry and they had no sustenance. Master Nanak sent Mardana to gather sustenance for the langar (the Community Kitchen). Numerous individuals gave atta (flour) to make Roti(bread). The one issue was that there was no flame to cook the food.Guru Nanak requested that Mardana lift a stone and he went along and a hot spring showed up. As coordinated by Guru Nanak, Mardana put the moved chapatis in the spring to his misery the chapatis sank.Guru Nanak then instructed him to petition God saying that if his chapatis drift in those days he would give one chapati in His name. When he supplicated every one of the chapatis began drifting properly baked.Guru Nanak said that any individual who gives for the sake of God, his suffocated things skim back.
The legend of Manikaran states that while meandering around, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, once risked upon a spot that was encompassed by mountains and was lavish green. Captivated by the magnificence of the spot, they chose to invest some energy there. It is trusted that they really put in eleven hundred years here.
Amid their stay here, Goddess Parvati lost her mani (valuable stones in the waters of a stream) Steamed at the misfortune, she requested that Shiva recover it. Ruler Shiva told his orderly to discover the mani for Parvati. In any case, when they fizzled, he was to a great degree irate. He opened his third eye, a hugely ominous occasion which prompted aggravations in the universe. A request was made before the serpent god, Sheshnag, to mollify Lord Shiva. Sheshnag murmured along these lines offering ascend to a stream of bubbling water. The water spread over the whole zone bringing about the rise of valuable stones of the sort Goddess Parvati had lost. Master Shiva and Goddess Parvati were glad at the result.

The name Manikaran is gotten from this legend. The water is still hot and is considered greatly propitious. A journey to this spot is considered as complete. It is likewise trusted that there is no compelling reason to visit Kashi in the wake of going by this spot. The water of the spring is additionally expected to have remedial forces. The water is hot to the point that rice can be cooked in it.

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